At East Coast Horseshoeing School, we will pass our 27 years’ experience on to our students. The instructor, Joey White, is a second-generation farrier. His dad, Bobby White, completed school at Oklahoma in 1966. After moving to Delaware Bobby became very successful shoeing standardbred race horses. Joey was around the business his entire life.
In 1997 he decided he wanted to follow in his dad’s footsteps and attended school under Danny Ward at Eastern School of Farriery. He has shod Olympian dressage horses, rodeo horses, and record-breaking race horses.
Joey White
The head instructor, Joey White, is a second-generation farrier who has experience in all breeds and disciplines of horses. He has been self-employed full time shoeing horses for 27 years. Joey is a hands-on learner and he wants to teach the same way.
He started helping his dad, Bobby White, when he was 10. He attended Danny Ward's School in 1997. He started his own business in North Carolina in 1998.
In 2000 Joey started shoeing standardbred race horses in Delaware. He had a successful career fo 12 years. After this we came to Virginia and started with a new group of clients. We continued traveling to shoe the race horses up until the school was opened in 2023.
Joey travels to shoe the standardbreds that go to Pinehurst, NC in the winter.
Joe Marotta
Joe Marotta would tack on lost shoes at his families standardbred training farm. When the horseshoers would come to the farm he would work closely with them and eventually picked up the tools himself and he was on his way. He became the farrier for his families horses.
Later Joe became a member of the Journeyman Horseshoers Union which allowed him to shoe at the tracks in the Detroit area. He had a successful career for 35 years.
Joe now helps in Pinehurst and comes to the school a couple of times during every class to give borium and forge welding instruction.